4BestQuotes.com combines Internet convenience with personal service to assure that customers receive the best quotes on Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, Long Term Care and Annuities.. Visitors get the best prices from top-rated companies, as well as access to local agents nationwide!
4BestQuotes.com (an IdentityWEB company) was founded in 1996 as an objective meeting ground for interested consumers and licensed insurance professionals across the United States. 4BestQuotes.com makes it easy to calculate insurance needs, compare term life quotes, request applications and instantly search a nationwide directory of licensed agents, brokers and financial advisors. Independent of any insurance company or agency, we are dedicated to providing valuable industry resources and educational tools to help consumers provide financial security for their families.
The founder of IdentityWEB and IdentityWEB companies, Howard Witkin, has been involved with high-technology startups for two decades. He was a founding partner in several successful firms. Amongst his successes, Leviathan Development is a leading Los Angeles-based systems integrator. Icardio is a recognized technology leader in remote medical diagnostics, and CounselWEB provides educational forums to thousands of attorneys nationwide. Mr. Witkin started his technology career while still in his teens, writing dozens of assembly language video games for the original Atari. As a recognized expert on computer technology issues, he has provided commentary and testimony in courtrooms, on TV shows and in print publications around the world. Mr. Witkin is the former executive producer and senior commentator on the Los Angeles-based TechTalk radio show, and teaches an ongoing seminar series in ethics. He has a BS in Applied Math from UCLA, and lives in Los Angeles with his wife, two sons and lots of Legos.
A natural communicator with attention to detail, Mr. Wecker joined IdentityWEB in 1999, focusing on client acquisition and affiliate marketing. A licensed Life Agent, Mr. Wecker now oversees content and site development, as well as advertising and sales.\ Prior to joining IdentityWEB, Mr. Wecker was the Administrator for Leviathan Development where he applied his organizational skills and gained valuable knowledge of New Media. Mr. Wecker began his career in the non-profit arena in program planning, management, and organizational development. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from California State University, Northridge and a master’s degree from the University of Judaism.